chain Articles
Pizza is about to have a moment. For starters, National Pizza Day is on February 9. Considering that Americans eat an acre’s worth of pizza every day (per Dairy Herd Management), it seems only...
Pizza Hut is one of the most well-known and widespread fast-food pizza chains in the world. They currently have over 19,000 locations in over 100 countries and had a gross profit of over $5 billion...
The first places that come to mind when people think of chain restaurants are probably fast-food operations – McDonalds, Chick-fil-A, Taco Bell, etc., etc. But a significant number of chains fall...
Chain restaurants as we know them today probably started with the ABC (Aerated Bread Company) and Lyons teashops that popped up in London and elsewhere around the U.K. in the mid- to late-19th...
It’s easy to assume major restaurant chains like Burger King and Applebee’s have existed forever. But every chain started small before growing into the brands we know today. In recent years,...
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Almost everybody in the U.S. eats fast food at least once in a while, and some consume it a lot more often than that. According to industry estimates, at least 30% of Americans (children included)...
Restaurant chains in America range from internationally known giants like McDonald’s, with units numbering in the five figures, to small regional operations like HopCat in Michigan with fewer than...