Philip Elmer-DeWitt

Philip Elmer-DeWitt has been covering Apple since 1983 — mostly for Time Magazine (28 years), later for Fortune (9 years), where he wrote a daily blog called Apple 2.0.

Lastest Stories by Philip Elmer-DeWitt

The options market is implying a move of 4% in either direction.
Neil Cybart, like Charles Dickens, has seen the best of times and the worst.
That's two years earlier than investors have been led to expect.
Apple's cash has been burning a hole in Wall Street's pocket for as long as I can remember.
Hard to tell from the outside what this means.
These market values make me nervous.
"The best iPhone Apple can't sell" — Wall Street Journal
Apple's CEO talks ethics, PACs and government regulation of tech.
Other studios' clips and trailers, that is.
"We believe that we need to own and control the primary technologies behind the products that we make..."
A sketchy idea, poorly executed.
I liked Apple's Earth Day ad. I wouldn't mind if a few bros got harmed in the making. 
From Steven Sears’ A Better Way to Play Apple Stock’s Surge ($), posted earlier this month: We have championed this rather boring approach for a long time because…
The dark side of Apple.