Consumer Electronics

First iPhone Knock-Off Misses the Mark (AAPL, 2498-TSX)

The first iPhone Knock Off is already being sent around for reviews, yet so far Apple (AAPL-NASDAQ) won’t have any sleep lost.  If you watch the CNET video review of the telephone called the HTC Touch, this will look familiar but will obviously miss the mark.  The HTC Touch is from High Tech Computer Corp., listed as ticker "2498" on the TAIWAN Stock Exchange. 

Here are the specs for the phone, which is set at some point to be available in the second half of 2007.  If this phone is ridiculously cheaper it may have shot for the ‘iPhone-esque’ devices that will certainly be coming, but if this is deemed anywhere close to the same pricing and isn’t cheap then this will just fade away as another ‘me too’ copycat or knock-off.  It isn’t as sleek in features as far as what has been indicated, and you know where the hype is going to be based the rest of 2007 for devices such as this.  If you look at ‘where to buy’ on the HTC website, you’ll see that this is also more of the emerging market plays.

This isn’t the first attempt to capture some of the hype off another super-hot tech gadget, and definitely won’t be the last.

Jon C. Ogg
June 11, 2007

Jon Ogg can be reached at [email protected]; he does not own securities in the companies he covers.

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