
Moo+Flickr To Disrupt Getty Images and Vistaprint?

From 13D Tracker

Jason Jones:  Om Malik’s ‘Small is the New Big’ highlights Moo Prints, a UK based business card company that uses images posted to Flickr (or other social networks).  The result is personalized mini business cards.

I received a Moo card the other day from a friend who used a photo of himself kite-surfing. It was creative and memorable…. way better than your average boring business card.  I immediately wanted my own. 

I think Moo and Flickr could disrupt Getty Images’ (GYI) and VistaPrint’s (VPRT) businesses.  For now, Moo only lets you print your own Flickr images, but it is only a matter of time before Flickr starts selling stock photos created by other Flickr users at a fraction of the price that GYI charges for "professional" photos. 

Moo may also challenge Vistaprint, the leading producer of business cards (and other custom business supplies) in the small and medium sized business space. Moo can grow virally through the social networks but will need to bridge the gap from consumer to small businesses to really compete with VPRT.

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