
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK): Bad News Hits Diabetes Drug Hard

Sales of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) diabetes drug Avandia have taken a pounding since a study showed that the drug increased heart risk. According to a research note from Morgan Stanley, Avandia and a related drug  Avandamet had a combined 35.3 percent share of the market for pharmaceuticals in their class in the week ended June 1. Before the study about the risks of the drug appeared in The New England Journal of Medicine, that share was 53.8%.

News reports have indicated that GSK has tried to discredit the journal report and may have tried to intimidate a doctor who offered similar findings to the FDA. The agency is now considering putting a warning on the medication.

Looks like the strong-arming didn’t work.

Douglas A. McIntyre

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