
Will AMD (AMD) CEO Hector Ruiz Leave This Month?

Last year AMD (AMD) issued its 2006 full-year results on January 23. It is probably a good guess that 2007 calender numbers will come out at the end of the third week this month. That does not leave much time. Management and the board probably have most of the figures for Q4.

AMD shares hit another low of $6.75. Wall St. obviously has extremely low expectations about the figures the company will post.

If the figures are below what the company has indicated, the members of the board have a big problem. The rapid sell-off in AMD shares speaks volumes about the desire for new leadership.

CEOs often leave just before or the day of earnings. Look for Mr. Ruiz to be gone in the next three weeks.  He was recently named one of our own 5 TECHNOLOGY CEO’s THAT NEED TO GO FOR 2008.

Douglas A. McIntyre

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