China says it will buy as much as $7.9 billion of Spain’s sovereign debt. That is a large investment given Spain’s modest $1.3 trillion GDP. China can spare that money. Its foreign reserves are...
The U.S. contributed $13 billion to rebuild Europe after World War II. More than 60 years later, Uncle Sam may ride to the continent’s rescue again.Financial markets reacted Wednesday to a report...
Twitter has, by most estimates, 100 million members, which makes it one of the largest social networks in the world. All major media companies are on Twitter and some have more than one million...
The Gulf oil leak and Hurricane Alex are not moving up crude prices.  In fact, the price of oil is back below $75 .Oil dropped into the $65 range last September as demand slackened and refinery...
The IMF has made another call for austerity in spending, particularly in Europe. The agency has also put restated its belief that growth in GDP is Europe’s only path to financial viability. The two...
The IMF released its white paper on Euro-area policy on June 7. The document argued for growth more than austerity. There were road maps for each approach, but these are, as many economists have...
The costs to US taxpayers for bailing out the week Euro nations will only be $100 billion, a bit less than the price tag for salvaging GM, Bank of America Corporation (NYSE: BAC), and Citigroup...
Its credit rating in tatters and it banks in trouble, Spain was kicked by S&P while it was down.The agency said:Spain’s economy needs far-reaching and comprehensive reforms. The challenges are...
The IMF had indicated that Japan may be the next trouble spot in the global economy, adding it to a list of several counties in Europe. The  agency visited the country with the world’s second...
The head of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, has encouraged European nations to join forces more closely by aligning their economies more tightly to combat future disasters like the Greek debt...
Global markets have begun to reject the value of the nearly $1 trillion facility set up by Eurozone nations, the IMF, and the European Central Bank. The influx of capital was supposed to build...
The EU laid out its ambitious plan to steady the finances of the region. The three-part program was explained by the group: “The Council and the Member States have decided today on a...
Whether the Germans wanted to flaunt it or not, they have always been the economic linchpin of the Eurozone. They were, until last year when China pulled ahead, the world’s largest exporter. Their...
The Eurozone nations and IMF have bailed out Greece to the tune of more than $146 billion dollars, and Greece faces budget cuts of $40 billion over the next three years as it attempts to bring its...