Social Security

Social Security Articles

Social Security is a vital lifeline for millions of retirees. In fact, over 40% of retirees rely solely on Social Security for retirement.  The Social Security Administration (SSA) implements annual...
Your current income significantly impacts the amount of your Social Security benefit. While earning $25,000 this year will contribute significantly to your retirement benefits, the actual amount...
For many Americans, Social Security is a cornerstone of their retirement. It’s designed to provide a steady stream for retirees. In fact, it is the largest source of income for most of those...
Social Security is a cornerstone of retirement income in the United States. While it’s not designed to completely fuel retirement, many people rely on it heavily in their golden years. The...
Over 40% of Americans rely solely on Social Security for their retirement, despite that being exactly what you’re not supposed to do! That’s a significant chunk of the population...
A recent explainer by the Social Security Administration revealed a fascinating trend: the average filing age for Social Security benefits has been steadily climbing. However, many retirees still...
Moving is an exciting time, but amidst the packing and planning, one crucial detail can get overlooked: updating your address with Social Security. For those who receive Social Security benefits,...
The vast majority of us look forward to retirement. However, as retirement age approaches, we’re often met with uncertainty about how to afford it all! Luckily, Social Security can help fund...
We’d all like to think that we could never succumb to a disability. However, for 42.5 million Americans, living with a disability is their everyday life. If you’re struggling with a...
Retirement can be a grand adventure. But it can bring a lot of anxiety to the forefront, too. One major source of anxiety for many retirees is securing Social Security benefits.  While applying for...
Retirement is a bit like a puzzle. It includes many different pieces that are all required for assembly: savings, investments, and, of course, Social Security. When combined, all of these pieces...
Imagine a giant tree, its roots firmly anchored in the ground to provide support and its branches reaching out. The Social Security system functions similarly. While many assume Social Security is...
Choosing when to claim Social Security is like walking on a tightrope. One misstep and…well, let’s just say retirement security might look much different than you envisioned. Many face...
For millions of Americans, Social Security is a significant part of their retirement plan. This well-known program has a complex history. We’ll take a look at the complete story of Social Security,...
Getting the recipe right for a secure and fulfilling retirement can be challenging. You’ll need to gather all the essential ingredients like personal savings and investments (and maybe even a...