brokerage firms

brokerage firms Articles

We have been covering the risks of the AAA rating risks far ahead of the curve on these formal credit ratings downgrades by the major credit ratings agencies. After the United States lost its prized...
Jon Corzine was supposed to be the poster boy for modern-day finance… From the King of Finance, to New Jersey’s governor, and back to Wall Street.  Now Corzine is just the King of...
The Federal Reserve has issued some news that equity investors are going to love, and bond investors may enjoy the news as well as it could stop the blood-letting of bond spreads.  The Federal...
The new proposed stress tests are just one more thorn in the side for the banking sector, but analysts from Dick Bove to Meredith Whitney, as well as value and bargain investors and short-selling...
Make this as good as official now that S&P has chimed in: NO RESOLUTION FROM SUPERCOMMITTEE!!!  You already knew that the Supercommittee was really just the “stuper-committee”… Impasse,...
The attack on Jefferies Group, Inc. (NYSE: JEF) is unfortunately reminiscent of larger implosions of firms formerly named Lehman and Bear Stearns.  It almost does not seem to matter what Jefferies...
E*TRADE Financial Corporation (NASDAQ: ETFC) was one we had on the calendar because this was the day that it was due to meet with its Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) as its financial advisor for conducting...
The fate of Greece remains undetermined. Rumors are that Prime Minister George Papandreou will leave as part of a brokered agreement to get the opposition party to support austerity measures. There...
The markets have a “shoot first and ask questions later” mentality that is not really working too well for Jefferies Group, Inc. (NYSE: JEF) right now.  After the MF Global implosion, investors...
There is some food for thought in the world of alternative energy against the hatred of banks.   It is a very painful observation, but it is turning out to be that the government may have done far...
MF Global Holdings Ltd. (NYSE: MF) has been halted pending news this Monday.  Workers may be allowed into the offices, but the firm is being cut off from transacting business.The company issued a...
Thursday was such a great day and the markets cheered endlessly as if the world is suddenly saved.  With the DJIA having gone back over 12,000 and with the freshest economic data showing a less-bad...
To say that MF Global Holdings Ltd. (NYSE: MF) is in trouble might be the understatement of the year.  The commodities and derivatives broker has reportedly been caught on the wrong side of trades...
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE: GS) stunk this week when it reported one of its few operating losses ever.  What is interesting is that shares have risen with the banking sector.  The loss may have...
Many reports have been signaling that the United States is about to slide into another recession, and many have noted over and over that the recession is either already here or never really went...