technical analysis

technical analysis Articles

We recently have noticed how more and more solar companies are seeing big gains on news, particularly in those which have recently raised cash in a seondary offering.  We are starting to see further...
After looking through last weekend’s print version of Investor Business Daily’s “IBD 100” it was almost shocking on the surface to see that Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc....
The Dow Jones Industrial Average has been trading above its 50-day moving average since late-March.  But the 200-day moving average is a key metric for long-term traders.  The 200-day moving...
The CBOE Volatility Index, or the beloved ‘VIX’ or ‘Fear Index,’ has reached a level not seen since September, 2008.  While the low yesterday appears to be 30.0, we have not...
John Browne of Euro Pacific Capital made perhaps one of the ballsiest market calls or one of the craziest market calls yet in the entire bear market or in most peoples’ careers if they are...
Investors flock to defensive stocks in times of trouble and and when they worry, assuming they look to stay in the market when they are worried.  But if the trend here continues, this may be one of...
It is true that the most speculative or most battered stocks often rise the most during the initial turnaround and recovery, and to call the latest rally since the March lows a mere recovery would be...
Citigroup, Inc. (NYSE: C) was believed by many to be on the verge of death just six short weeks ago.  But alas, the shorting and the selling doesn’t go on forever even if some feel this latest...
The CBOE Volatility Index, or the VIX or the ‘fear index,’ has been rolling over and dying because of the rally we have seen over the last five-week period.  The DJIA is currently back...
Yesterday’s major rally may have brought on more than just the garden variety panic buying seen in prior panic buying waves.  So far we have profit taking being seen early on, but the DJIA and...
One of the most frequent comments made by market experts and investors now that the indexes are reaching multi-decade lows is that the market can’t keep going down forever. It allows investors to...
The CBOE VOLATILITY INDEX, or "the VIX" or the "Fear Index" is still well off of its highs from the end of 2008 when it was trading at astronomical levels in the 60’s and the 70’s.  But with the..., Inc. (NASDAQ: BIDU) looks like a stock in trouble.  Again. The Chinese search leader was hitting new 52-week lows before the market recovered late in the day.  The exacerbated move is on...
Covering any part of the positives in this market has been literally as rewarding as jumping in the bear cage with the bears at the zoo.  We have been refraining from doing as many stocks which are...
There is a disturbing event happening, and it is one which if gets much worse will take out much of the feeling that the markets have bottomed out.  Today the market index readings are challenging...