Lastest Stories by Stephanie Harper

The man who invented basketball is a coach who came straight from the state of Kansas. Dr. James Naismith coached at the University of Kansas, and ironically enough, he’s the only coach in...
Sports bring people together. No matter where you grew up or who you are, you can mesh with fellow fans. Cities often take the identity of their professional sports teams. Louisiana is noteworthy...
The world of fashion went through some major shifts in 2023. As the year progressed, trends adjusted based on what consumers were spotting in the pages of magazines and on professional runways....
Although you might instantly think of the greater Los Angeles area when brainstorming your favorite musicians, there’s a special state right next door that’s also produced some incredible talent....
Taking care of your physical health is beyond crucial if you want to live a long life. People who don’t do it allow different diseases to spread throughout their bodies without intervention. If...
When you don’t get enough sleep at night, it can completely alter your outlook on life. Sleeplessness is linked to tons of negative problems including anxiety and depression. It’s crucial to get...
There are several warning signs to look out for proving that you’re likely headed for burnout soon enough. When you allow burnout to go unchecked, it can lead to worse issues like anxiety and...
Taking care of your mental health is crucial to your overall happiness and well-being. While some people might think that self-care simply revolves around booking spa days and lounging in heated...
The magic of romance movies is that they energetically transport you to another place. They make it easier to imagine what romantic love feels like, even if it’s something you’ve never actually...
Going on a digital detox is a great idea if you need an emotional reset. A digital detox is a temporary period where a person willingly chooses to stop using their digital devices. It’s not exactly...
There’s a reason people are so enamored by romance movies. Those who are single and looking for love enjoy watching the best romance films play out on the big screen. It helps their belief system...