IRE Articles

The action out of China’s virtual easing by lowering reserve requirements was already a boost to global markets, but the coordinated central bank efforts of the U.S., Canada, Europe,...
The Eurozone growth rate of 0.2% in the third quarter may have met expectations but this is just one more example that growth is so low already that getting out of the debt hole is going to be no...
Well, it used to be Greece taking us down daily, but now it is the much larger concern of Italy.  The markets were supposed to be cheering that Silvio Berlusconi was going to step down but then...
Greece and the rest of the PIIGS were hurting us for so long that it seems hard to believe that the Europeans are setting a 50% haircut for the Greek sovereign debt and that they have agreed to a...
The Bank of Ireland (NYSE: IRE) is likely going to go private.  U.S.-based WL Ross, a private equity firm, and Canada’s Fairfax Financial Holdings are each taking a stake in the bank of 9% after...
Active traders and day traders have many stocks to choose from this Thursday morning. We are tracking news and  moves in shares of Express Scripts, Inc. (NASDAQ: ESRX), Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:...
You just have to love the new round of stress tests in the European Union being conducted on banks.  Maybe this headline of “Groundhog Day Meets Spanish Inquisition” seems full of pun, but that...
As if the PIIGS needed any more bad news, Moody’s has just downgraded Ireland yet again.  Like you wouldn’t have known about this.  This pertains to its foreign and local-currency government...
If you are surprised about the newest crash scenario boiling up outside of Greece, this is something we have been covering routinely.  While the beastly pace is surprising, how big of a surprise is...
Greece saved itself with its latest austerity measures.  For a few months, maybe.  If you have read about Greece’s woes and read about the bailout and rescue process, the real implication is that...
Active traders and day traders have many stocks to choose from this Thursday morning.  We are tracking news and moves in shares of Achillion Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ACHN), Alcatel-Lucent (NYSE:...
The ratings agencies and outside groups are now saying that Greece is in default, like it or not.  Now let’s go ahead and throw in Irish banks as well, with a real possibility of Ireland after...
If you have been following the crisis news regarding the PIIGS, or the PIGS, nations, Ireland seems to currently be overlooked due to the immediacy of the Greek woes.  The problem is that the Irish...
You have probably heard and read about some of the same rumors and stories about a second bailout heading the way of Greece.  The aim is to prevent a de facto default scenario where Greece would...
If you didn’t think the ratings agencies were quite on par over the last, well for years now, there is another ratings agency action that needs to be discussed.  While it may sound opportunistic,...