Samsung Galaxy

Samsung Galaxy Articles

Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) may be able to hold on to the market share the iPad has in the U.S. The battle for the second, third and fourth places has become more bloody in the past several days. Lenovo has...
A sell-off of major bank stocks and sovereign securities makes it likely that France and Germany will determine the short-term future of the eurozone in upcoming meetings. (Reuters)Google (NASDAQ:...
Apple Inc (NASDAQ: AAPL) reported better than expected earnings and its shares soared (Reuters)Yahoo!’s (NASDAQ: YHOO) revenue fell (Reuters)A settlement of the debate over the U.S. debt pushed...
Hewlett-Packard’s (NYSE: HPQ) new CEO Leo Apotheker can rearrange his management team as much as he likes. He can also push out his most talented executive, Ann Livermore, who has been at HP for...
Updated throughout the day.Inventories of Samsung Galaxy tablets are building (Reuters)Glenn Beck may start his own cable network (NYT)Parts shortages of the Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) because of the Japan...
A monopoly is either what the government says it is or what a dominant company’s competitors claim. The government’s opinion is the only one that counts, however, as Sprint will find out as it...
Less than two years ago, netbooks sales were going to tear the heart out of laptop makers. Companies led by Asus stormed US consumer electronics stores with $300 machine ideal for web surfing and...
The Federal Reserve took a risky step that will involve the purchase of $600 billion in securities. (Reuters)Nations in Asia and Latin America said they would alter policy to combat dollar inflows...
Reuters:   Geithner said the major currencies are “in alignment” but need negotiations to make sure their status remains that way.Reuters:   Toyota (NYSE: TM) will fix 1.52 million...