Lastest Stories by Aaron Webber

The prison system in America is a human rights atrocity. With dirty, inhumane facilities, one of the largest prison populations in the world, little to no rehabilitation services after incarceration,...
There are almost countless options when it comes to buying new furniture. There are stores with physical locations, online-only, and secondhand stores. In a consumer environment where the convenience...
If you are between the ages of 55 and 65, then your mind is probably filled with thoughts and plans for retirement. If you’ve recently come to the realization that your retirement nest egg isn’t...
Jazz might not enjoy the spotlight as much as it did in the past, but it is no less popular. But who are the most popular jazz musicians according to the Baby Boomer generation? Well, according to a...
  So, you woke up one morning and realized retirement is just around the corner. You realize it’s too late to make any significant changes to your retirement funds, savings accounts, or 401(k)...
As music genres fade in and out of popularity, the most successful and interesting artists and albums will influence the tastes and styles of future music. So, when it comes to folk music in the...
What makes a watch Swiss? Why is it a big deal? What brands should you try? What should you stay away from? All of these questions may or may not have been circulating in your brain before you...
Want to replace your old computer with a new laptop? We’re here to help! Laptops are a technological staple in the 21st century. But what are the most popular brands? And what does popular even...
Home prices, rent, and inflation are absolutely out of control. The prices of single-family homes have skyrocketed to unaffordable levels and are inflated well beyond the reasonable value of the...
Warren Buffett is one of the most successful investors of all time. He was born in 1930 and started investing when he was 14 by purchasing and renting out four acres of land. He then started college...
There are several different strategies for investing in the stock market, one of which is investing to maximize dividends. A healthy portfolio of stocks will have a balance of all kinds of...
Humans have enjoyed smoking plants and substances for thousands of years, and few are more famous than cannabis. It has been used for medicine and recreation for as long as humans have known about...
Americans are struggling with inflation. A salary that would have easily afforded a comfortable lifestyle less than a decade ago, is now one that has employees barely scraping by. To compensate for...
Regardless of your opinion about bitcoin (CRYPTO:BTC), or cryptocurrencies in general, they are here and many people are making a lot of money with them. As with any new technological advancement,...
Traditional perfume and cologne can often be made with harmful synthetics, petrochemicals, fragrance oils, dyes, parabens, phthalates, and chemical fragrances. Some perfumes can be made up of...