Population and Social Characteristics

Cities That Will Empty Out By End of Century

pasa / Flickr

Nearly half of the over 31,000 cities in the United States will face some sort of population decline by the end of the century, according to a recently published study in Nature. An estimated 12% to 23% of the population will leave between 27% to 44% of the cities.

While this may sound far off, it does show possible trajectories to consider for Americans considering a move and for governments that need to adjust. To estimate future trends, the study considered projections under five scenarios, from environmentally friendly development to fossil-fueled development.

24/7 Wall St. reviewed the study, Depopulation and associated challenges for US cities by 2100, listing here the 26 cities with 2020 population above 10,000 that are projected to shrink by at least 50% by 2100 — under the middle of the road scenario, which includes intermediate challenges. We also added socioeconomic data — median household income, poverty rate, unemployment rate, bachelor’s degree attainment rate — from the Census Bureau’s 5-year estimates 2022 American Community Survey.

The Midwest region has the most cities on the list, at 12 (including six cities in Illinois and four in Michigan), followed by the South with eight cities, the Northeast at five (including three in New York state), and only one city in the West. Of the 24 cities with data, all have a far lower median household income, much higher poverty, and much lower bachelor’s degree attainment rate than the national figures. Similarly, just four cities have a lower unemployment rate than the comparable national figure.

The largest city on the list is Flint, Michigan, which is projected to lose nearly 61% of its 2020 population of over 81,000 by 2100. Decatur, Illinois, which had nearly 71,000 residents in 2020, is also projected to lose nearly 61% of its population by 2100. (In the past five years here are Cities Americans Are Abandoning in Droves.)

While these are the results strictly for the 26 cities on the list (selected by the criteria noted above), the study’s overall findings indicate that a larger number of depopulating cities will be in the Northeast and Midwest than the South and West regions (although many cities in the North and Midwest will still grow). Within states there could be variations as well. For example, in California, the southern coast may lose population, while the northern coast may gain population. And surprisingly, though Texas and Utah cities are generally growing, they are projected to have a fair share of cities losing population. Finally, except for the District of Columbia and Hawaii, all states will have cities that are depopulating.

Why This Matters

Jonathan Weiss / Shutterstock.com
Cities that have declining populations have to deal with socioeconomic, environmental, and infrastructure challenges to accommodate the remaining population. Residents of depopulating cities can see disruptions in basic services like transit, clean water, electricity, proper sewage system, solid waste management, social services, health care access, and more as adjusting larger systems to a smaller population with a decreasing tax revenue can prove difficult. Such cities need to plan ahead, either to find ways to attract new population or keep the current population, or plan ahead to address depopulation challenges.

26. Laurinburg, North Carolina

  • Population change by 2100: -50.1% (from 14,978 in 2020 to 7,468 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: slowly depopulating
  • Median household income: $38,015 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 33.8% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 11.2% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 19.0% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

25. Bogalusa, Louisiana

By Aaron Manning, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=57300219
  • Population change by 2100: -52.5% (from 10,659 in 2020 to 5,065 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: moderately depopulating
  • Median household income: $39,213 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 29.6% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 11.6% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 12.2% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

24. Meadville, Pennsylvania

  • Population change by 2100: -53.5% (from 13,050 in 2020 to 6,064 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: slowly depopulating
  • Median household income: $46,157 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 18.1% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 6.9% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 24.9% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

23. Burton, Michigan

Burton. Michigan. USA on a map
SevenMaps / Shutterstock.com
  • Population change by 2100: -53.7% (from 29,715 in 2020 to 13,756 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: slowly depopulating
  • Median household income: $55,698 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 16.2% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 7.1% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 16.2% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

22. Batavia, New York

  • Population change by 2100: -54.1% (from 15,600 in 2020 to 7,161 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: fluctuating
  • Median household income: $54,937 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 13.3% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 4.0% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 22.5% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

21. Sterling, Illinois

  • Population change by 2100: -54.4% (from 14,764 in 2020 to 6,732 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: slowly depopulating
  • Median household income: $49,007 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 15.1% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 5.1% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 16.5% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

20. Freeport, Illinois

  • Population change by 2100: -55.0% (from 23,973 in 2020 to 10,797 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: slowly depopulating
  • Median household income: $44,658 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 18.6% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 6.4% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 18.2% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

19. Cambridge, Ohio

  • Population change by 2100: -55.8% (from 10,089 in 2020 to 4,459 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: slowly depopulating
  • Median household income: $39,589 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 30.2% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 2.5% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 13.4% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

18. Fulton, New York

  • Population change by 2100: -56.3% (from 11,389 in 2020 to 4,974 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: slowly depopulating
  • Median household income: N/A
  • Poverty rate: N/A
  • Unemployment rate: N/A
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: N/A

17. Selma, Alabama

  • Population change by 2100: -56.5% (from 17,971 in 2020 to 7,809 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: moderately depopulating
  • Median household income: $31,084 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 29.5% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 12.9% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 19.7% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

16. Oswego, New York

Jonathan W. Cohen / iStock via Getty Images
  • Population change by 2100: -57.0% (from 16,921 in 2020 to 7,280 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: slowly depopulating
  • Median household income: $50,266 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 25.4% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 10.6% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 27.8% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

15. New Castle, Pennsylvania

New Castle pinned on a map of Pennsylvania, USA
Dmitrijs Kaminskis / Shutterstock.com
  • Population change by 2100: -57.0% (from 21,926 in 2020 to 9,427 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: slowly depopulating
  • Median household income: $39,948 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 26.4% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 15.6% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 16.5% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

14. Bay City, Michigan

ShriramPatki / iStock via Getty Images
  • Population change by 2100: -57.9% (from 32,661 in 2020 to 13,734 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: slowly depopulating
  • Median household income: $45,026 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 24.8% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 6.2% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 16.3% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

13. Mount Airy, North Carolina

anthonysp / Getty Images
  • Population change by 2100: -58.6% (from 10,676 in 2020 to 4,418 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: slowly increasing
  • Median household income: $34,089 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 31.7% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 7.2% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 24.7% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

12. Saginaw, Michigan

  • Population change by 2100: -59.7% (from 44,202 in 2020 to 17,828 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: moderately depopulating
  • Median household income: $35,521 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 34.5% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 11.7% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 12.8% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

11. Belleville, Illinois

Philip Rozenski / Getty Images
  • Population change by 2100: -60.5% (from 42,404 in 2020 to 16,770 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: fluctuating
  • Median household income: $60,573 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 14.7% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 5.9% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 26.4% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

10. Decatur, Illinois

Westhoff / E+ via Getty Images
  • Population change by 2100: -60.5% (from 70,522 in 2020 to 27,862 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: slowly depopulating
  • Median household income: $49,039 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 19.5% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 8.9% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 21.4% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

9. Cahokia, Illinois

  • Population change by 2100: -60.8% (from 12,096 in 2020 to 4,747 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: moderately depopulating
  • Median household income: N/A
  • Poverty rate: N/A
  • Unemployment rate: N/A
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: N/A

8. East St. Louis, Illinois

  • Population change by 2100: -60.8% (from 18,469 in 2020 to 7,240 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: moderately depopulating
  • Median household income: $28,519 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 31.6% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 13.0% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 12.4% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

7. Flint, Michigan

DenisTangneyJr / iStock via Getty Images
  • Population change by 2100: -60.9% (from 81,252 in 2020 to 31,799 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: moderately depopulating
  • Median household income: $35,451 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 33.3% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 17.6% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 12.3% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

6. Eufaula, Alabama

  • Population change by 2100: -61.3% (from 12,882 in 2020 to 4,982 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: slowly depopulating
  • Median household income: $39,511 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 25.3% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 5.2% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 17.3% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

5. Plainview, Texas

BOB WESTON / iStock via Getty Images
  • Population change by 2100: -63.1% (from 20,187 in 2020 to 7,451 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: slowly depopulating
  • Median household income: $46,274 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 21.6% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 6.6% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 14.6% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

4. Portsmouth, Ohio

  • Population change by 2100: -63.3% (from 18,252 in 2020 to 6,706 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: slowly depopulating
  • Median household income: $36,051 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 35.4% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 11.5% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 16.7% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

3. Show Low, Arizona

Jacob Boomsma / iStock via Getty Images
  • Population change by 2100: -64.9% (from 11,732 in 2020 to 4,117 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: moderately increasing
  • Median household income: $57,406 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 12.6% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 6.5% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 28.5% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

2. Greenville, Mississippi

Geoff Eccles / iStock via Getty Images
  • Population change by 2100: -67.7% (from 29,670 in 2020 to 9,594 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: moderately depopulating
  • Median household income: $35,148 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 32.2% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 11.5% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 20.5% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)

1. Pine Bluff, Arkansas

  • Population change by 2100: -67.8% (from 41,253 in 2020 to 13,286 in 2100)
  • Current population trend from 2000-2020: moderately depopulating
  • Median household income: $39,411 (vs $75,149 nationwide)
  • Poverty rate: 24.9% (vs. 12.5% nationwide)
  • Unemployment rate: 9.8% (vs. 5.3% nationwide)
  • Bachelor’s degree attainment rate: 22.2% (vs. 34.3% nationwide)


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