European Union

European Union Articles

European Union new car registrations totaled 1.43 million last month, down slightly from record sales of 1.46 million in September 2016.
Sales of electric cars in Europe is up a third year over year and sales of all-electric and plug-in hybrids continues to rise.
Genuine Parts shares made a solid gain to kick off the week, pushing back to even on the year. What spurred this turnaround?
Downgrades never come at a good time, but the Moody's decision makes the acute problem of Brexit worse.
Here are 10 of the most notable top picks from Credit Suisse in European equities for U.S. investors.
August car sales in the European Union totaled more than 850,000 units, the highest level of August sales in 10 years.
The European Union will tighten the screening process for foreign takeovers of companies, Bitcoin prices moved above $4,000 for the first time, and more headlines.
The French government is preparing a proposal to present at an EU meeting next month to harmonize the member countries' tax rates and begin collecting more taxes from U.S. firms doing business in...
New car registrations in the European Union rose by about 2% year over year in June. For the first half of 2017, EU sales are up more than 4%.
New car registrations rose more than 7% year over year in the European Union last month. Year to date, sales are up more than 5%.
The OECD has offered its global outlook on the economy, both worldwide and in major regions. It expects solid growth in most areas and improvement worldwide this year and in 2018.
New car registrations in the European Union declined year over year in April, the first such decline in nearly three years. Among U.S. car makers, Fiat Chrysler was the top seller, displacing Ford.
Western financial markets got a major boost on Monday morning, as Macron topped Le Pen in the French elections, with a coalition expected to give Macron a formal victory next month.
New vehicle registrations in the European Union rose more than 1% year over year in March to total almost 2 million units. For the year to date, registrations are up more than 8%.
Cars sales within the European Union rose more than 2% in February, but that was a shift downward in the rate of expansion compared to most of the past year.