European Union

European Union Articles

Thursday’s unexpected U.K. vote to walk out of the European Union shocked equity, currency, and commodities markets Friday. The dollar strengthened against both the euro and the British pound...
With the Brexit Vote only adding that much more uncertainty, the reality is setting in that this could spell long-term trouble for the European Union. Britain never did share its currency, but they...
Of the 30 blue-chip stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, only Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (NYSE: WMT) is showing a gain in Friday trading, up about 0.5% in the noon hour. Other blue-chippers are down...
24/7 Wall St. wanted to offer up some of the key outside views which have been offered by economists, analysts and research shops for the post-Brexit vote. These have been compiled in a quote...
Britain has voted to leave the European Union. They never shared currencies, but they shared in trade and in many common laws and practices. One of the side outcomes of the Brexit vote is that polls...
Thursday’s U.K. vote to leave the European Union has one certain effect: trade among the nations of Europe will be more complicated. Automakers face some significant issues whether they build...
  Against all odds, the citizens of the United Kingdom have voted to exit the European Union by a large 4 point margin. Against all odds literally, because UK bookies all favored “Remain”...
Some of the most feared stocks in the world right now are European banks, but this also makes them rife with opportunity.
Perhaps the move for a rapid exit by Britain from the European Union (or Brexit) may have been interrupted due to a political murder of M.P. Jo Cox on Thursday. As this was a member of parliament,...
With new registrations jumping more than 25% in May, Fiat Chrysler outsold Ford and General Motors in Europe to become the fourth-ranked automaker there.
Here are two stocks that likely will benefit from the chaos that surely will ensue if the United Kingdom votes to leave the European Union on June 23.
The Ifo Economic Forecast for Germany showed an acceleration of the fourth largest economy measured by GDP for the second half of 2016 and all of 2017.
Greece is back in the news. The good news about Greece is that they are not back in the news on the verge of an impending default, nor is Greece being accused of being the verge of being ejected from...
Markit's Flash PMI for May was such that the research firm expressed alarm about broad economic results for the year's second quarter.
Here are some companies set to lose if the United Kingdom rescinds its membership in the European Union.