Companies and Brands

Cramer Sticks With Tobacco & Sin Stocks (MO, RAI, VGR, UST, BUD)

Stock Tickers: MO, RAI, VGR, UST, BUD

On tonight’s MAD MONEY on CNBC, Jim Cramer came out very positive on Vector Group Ltd. (VGR-NYSE).  He noted that Carl Icahn is a big backer of the company and noted hat it has a monster yield and has hiked its dividends almost yearly.  In call-ins he also noted Altria (MO-NYSE) and Reynolds (RAI-NYSE) in regular tobacco, and even UST (UST-NYSE) in smokeless tobacco all as undervalued stocks.  As far as another sin name, he also noted Anheuser Busch (BUD-NYSE) positively in a call-in during the segment.

Jon C. Ogg
June 20, 2007

Jon Ogg can be reached at [email protected]; he does not own securities in any of the companies he covers.

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