
Let The Dolans Have Cablevision

The Dolan family is addicted to bidding to take the public company their pater familias founded private again. Cablevision (CVC)

Let them have it. They have bid $30 a share after trying to get it for $27. The offer is almost no premium above where the stock traded recently so the stock was knocked down almost 3% to $28.80.

The fact of the matter is, no one else wants the company. The median analyst price target for the shares works out to only $29 accordig to a First Call poll of 16 analysts.   

Morningstar does not like the company any better. The rating agency has a "fair value" estimate of $25 on the stock. And says investors should consider selling at $30.20. They point to the fact that they company has a lot of debt and took on more to give shareholders a special dividend that totaled $3 billion.

Citigroup, Oppenheimer, and Janco all downgraded the stock late last year.

Good ridance.

Douglas A. McIntyre can be reached at [email protected]. He does not own securities in companies that he writes about.

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