Special Report

This Is the Most Obese County in Ohio

Life expectancy in the U.S. has dropped a full year in the first half of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The disease has had a significant impact on older Americans and people with certain health conditions, including obesity. Obesity is a major risk factor for COVID-19 complications and death, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Even before the pandemic, obesity has been identified as being associated with several leading causes of death in the U.S. 24/7 Tempo reviewed county-level health data from the 2020 County Health Rankings & Roadmaps to identify the most obese county in every state.

The condition is a complex health concern with a wide range of causes that include genetics, access to healthy food, and environment, among other factors. Partially as a result, obesity rates can range considerably from state to state as well as between counties of the same state.

In Ohio, 32.3% of adults are obese. The state’s most obese county is Van Wert where the adult obesity rate is 40.8%, about 12 percentage points higher than the national adult obesity rate of 29.0%.

Physical exercise can reduce the likelihood of obesity. In Van Wert County, 31.2% of adults don’t exercise on a regular basis, compared to 26.4% of adults across Ohio as a whole.

Poor diet is another factor that can lead to obesity — and diet is often significantly affected by economic circumstances. Low-income Americans can afford fewer healthy options. The median annual household income in Van Wert County is $54,254, which is $2,348 less than the state median of $56,602.

Health experts have pointed to several other lifestyle factors that are likely contributing to the excess weight problem, among them the consumption of high-calorie diets, including large sugary beverages — here are 45 fast food single items with more than 1,000 calories

County State Obesity Diabetes Adults who don’t exercise Adults in poor or fair health Median household income
Macon Alabama 49.6% 23.0% 32.3% 29.9% $33,370
Aleutians East Alaska 50.5% 12.6% 30.0% 16.8% $69,250
Yuma Arizona 36.9% 14.1% 26.3% 22.7% $45,243
Bradley Arkansas 46.4% 16.1% 40.8% 28.4% $43,184
Lassen California 40.9% 19.6% 36.9% 15.2% $56,352
Logan Colorado 38.0% 11.1% 23.4% 14.6% $53,318
Windham Connecticut 30.3% 11.1% 23.0% 13.4% $66,550
Kent Delaware 35.4% 13.1% 31.2% 19.0% $60,910
Gadsden Florida 42.8% 20.0% 35.4% 25.8% $41,401
Warren Georgia 57.7% 24.1% 27.8% 24.3% $37,203
Hawaii Hawaii 25.5% 10.3% 21.0% 13.9% $62,409
Owyhee Idaho 39.3% 13.5% 26.3% 20.1% $43,798
Kankakee Illinois 41.2% 10.8% 36.5% 16.4% $58,902
Martin Indiana 42.5% 8.6% 39.6% 17.5% $52,726
Franklin Iowa 45.1% 15.6% 29.8% 15.8% $56,419
Atchison Kansas 43.4% 11.3% 32.7% 17.4% $50,439
Owsley Kentucky 46.3% 11.4% 26.1% 26.6% $30,284
Grant Louisiana 47.4% 20.5% 41.4% 22.5% $42,505
Piscataquis Maine 36.6% 11.4% 25.1% 15.2% $40,890
Somerset Maryland 44.4% 13.3% 34.5% 19.1% $37,803
Hampden Massachusetts 31.2% 10.7% 25.7% 18.3% $55,429
Gladwin Michigan 42.5% 19.4% 26.1% 17.1% $44,619
Polk Minnesota 39.4% 9.6% 27.4% 13.6% $59,343
Jefferson Mississippi 53.7% 16.0% 35.1% 37.5% $25,019
Daviess Missouri 45.4% 7.3% 30.4% 18.4% $51,679
Blaine Montana 39.1% 13.6% 27.2% 23.1% $41,279
Thurston Nebraska 44.1% 19.2% 32.2% 25.1% $51,034
Lyon Nevada 34.9% 12.4% 25.0% 18.0% $56,875
Coos New Hampshire 33.6% 13.1% 25.9% 14.9% $47,117
Salem New Jersey 36.5% 14.4% 29.6% 19.2% $66,842
McKinley New Mexico 38.8% 17.1% 25.6% 26.5% $33,834
Chenango New York 38.8% 13.3% 24.2% 14.7% $52,002
Hertford North Carolina 46.5% 21.7% 42.5% 23.5% $41,028
Rolette North Dakota 43.0% 14.9% 33.2% 29.8% $43,158
Van Wert Ohio 40.8% 14.9% 31.2% 16.2% $54,254
Okfuskee Oklahoma 48.4% 19.8% 30.5% 24.6% $38,411
Jefferson Oregon 42.6% 19.3% 24.0% 19.6% $53,277
Armstrong Pennsylvania 42.3% 12.0% 30.8% 16.3% $51,410
Kent Rhode Island 29.8% 10.3% 24.2% 14.3% $73,521
Marion South Carolina 43.6% 21.9% 38.1% 26.0% $32,063
Ziebach South Dakota 51.6% 17.5% 27.4% 29.2% $37,400
Haywood Tennessee 46.6% 15.1% 31.6% 27.2% $37,905
Bowie Texas 47.3% 14.8% 39.3% 18.9% $50,164
Uintah Utah 35.2% 9.9% 24.2% 14.5% $65,264
Franklin Vermont 34.3% 10.4% 26.1% 13.2% $65,485
King and Queen Virginia 52.3% 12.7% 28.8% 17.8% $63,982
Pend Oreille Washington 39.9% 13.9% 24.9% 16.8% $50,591
Ritchie West Virginia 44.2% 13.2% 30.4% 21.9% $43,577
Columbia Wisconsin 43.2% 11.0% 20.2% 12.4% $68,005
Uinta Wyoming 35.8% 11.3% 27.2% 15.5% $63,403

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