
Currency Articles

There are not all that many trade war references from the modern era to refer to when it comes to what is happening between the United States and China.
President Trump made his first foray into the digital currency battle on Thursday, joining critics of cryptocurrencies in general and Facebook's Libra, in particular.
The 4th of July is a major US holiday, but the markets in Europe and Asia all remained open. Here's how the rest of the world acted on our day off.
The International Monetary Fund has released the results of a survey of the world's central bankers on the current state of fintech development and where the sector may be headed.
After a recent rally in Bitcoin and with Facebook creating its own cryptocurrency, it seems that cryptocurrency is back in vogue just in time for summer. Jumping on this revitalized trend, Grayscale...
Although Facebook had a rough run in 2018 amid security breaches, congressional hearings, and privacy issues, the company has done significantly better this year. In fact recent reports of Facebook...
MoneyGram shares more than doubled on Tuesday after the firm announced that it would be partnering with the famed cryptocurrency Ripple. This partnership supports the companies' shared goal of...
Facebook on Tuesday announced a new digital wallet and digital currency to put in that wallet. Will consumers fall in line?
Facebook shares made a handy gain on Friday after over a dozen companies said that they were ready to back its upcoming foray into cryptocurrency. While Facebook hasn’t come public with the...
There is new further development in cryptocurrency via a hybrid effort by some of the world's top banking giants.
Facebook is reportedly seeking $1 billion in backing for a Facebook cryptocurrency. We can hardly wait.
JPMorgan Chase, the country's largest bank, announced Thursday morning that it will begin trials of a new cryptocurrency it expects to speed up money transfers and reduce risks for users.
The World Gold Council points out that gold rose while cryptocurrencies tanked with the global equity indexes in the fourth quarter of 2018.
The SEC settled charges with two former executives involved in an allegedly fraudulent initial coin offering earlier this year.
OPEC continues to balance the extent to which it will cut production, Fiat Chrysler will open a factory in Detroit, and other important business headlines today.