
Housing Articles

Housing prices in the United States have doubled in most American cities over the past two decades. However, in one city, the price of an average home has fallen since 2000.
At the end of each year, Realtor.com puts out its list of most-viewed homes for the year. For 2020, the list was a mix of homes that cost tens of millions of dollars, with small homes in obscure...
Home prices have risen sharply in most parts of the United States over the past several quarters. Average home equity rose the most in Washington State.
There is a line that traces from people who lost jobs due to COVID-19 to those who received government aid, to those who did not get new jobs, to the expiration of aid, to the end of a moratorium on...
Most people who want to live in seclusion insist on a great deal of land around them or want to live on a lake or the ocean. There is a piece of real estate on the market that more than satisfies...
There has to be something wrong with this real estate listing. The house at 4872 Hidden Hills Cir, Howell, MI will go to auction soon for $1,000. However, it has been assessed for $416,000. Corelogic...
Dozens of homes in Detroit are for sale for as little as $1,000. Does that make them a good deal?
Mortgage applications containing indicators of fraud have fallen sharply except for one class of borrowers, according to new data from CoreLogic.
Grove City, Ohio sits just southwest of the state’s capital, Columbus, off Interstate 270. There, in the city of 41,820 and in an area of $300,000 and $400,000 homes, is a four-bedroom house...
Home mortgage delinquencies were higher year over year in June but down slightly from May's total.
Many people who live at home today will not have the financial means to buy a home later, and demand for homes at the less expensive end of the market will suffer, undermining the housing market.
Here are 10 of the nation's largest apartment and other residential rental companies that rent to millions of Americans and have dividends that are handily above long-term Treasury yields.
So-called zombie foreclosures were part of the mortgage landscape in the Great Recession, and new research shows that they are back.
Private islands with homes are rare. In areas, like the Gulf shore and warm areas like the Caribbean, they are occasionally available. Less so in the areas of the northern United States. However, one...
Overall mortgage delinquencies rose to their highest level in more than five years in May. The COVID-19 pandemic and recession have made it hard for homeowners to meet monthly mortgage payments.