fast food

Nov. 9 was National Fried Chicken Sandwich Day – an occasion with, as the food service trade publication Nation’s Restaurant News put it, arguably “significantly more weight behind it now than...
Fast food chains employ chefs, culinary consultants, and test kitchen staffs to constantly revise (and theoretically improve) items on their menus as well as to develop new ones — which may never...
Restaurants, and especially fast food places, have long complained about food carts siphoning off business — and Taco Bell has often been criticized for appropriating, disrespecting, and even...
There’s no doubt that we love pizza in America. According to some studies, it’s our favorite food, enjoyed more than steak, hamburgers, tacos, or pasta. Statistics show that we eat an average of...
There was a time in the United States many years ago when there were virtually no fast-food-style restaurants, but that all changed in the 1950s and 1960s and now countless restaurant brands are...
Chain restaurants as we know them today probably started with the ABC (Aerated Bread Company) and Lyons teashops that popped up in London and elsewhere around the U.K. in the mid- to late-19th...
The Big Mac — the menu mainstay of McDonald’s, one of America’s largest fast-food chains — is among the most famous sandwiches in the United States. The ingredients of the burger...
It’s easy to assume major restaurant chains like Burger King and Applebee’s have existed forever. But every chain started small before growing into the brands we know today. In recent...
Almost everybody in the U.S. eats fast food at least once in a while, and some consume it a lot more often than that. According to industry estimates, at least 30% of Americans (children included)...
Restaurant chains in America range from internationally known giants like McDonald’s, with units numbering in the five figures, to small regional operations like HopCat in Michigan with fewer than...
Remember when margarine was healthier than butter? That was before studies revealed how unhealthy synthetic trans fats can be. Nutrition science is constantly changing, and with it, the reputations...