Vice President Kamala Harris claimed in June 2021 that during the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, one-third of the country’s small businesses had closed. While it wasn’t clear whether Harris...
With COVID-19 cases once again appearing to be rising nationwide and a second wave expected in the fall, some states are re-imposing travel restrictions that were loosened over the summer. Nearly...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government has provided emergency economic stimulus packages and funded vaccine research and development programs. Meanwhile, state governments have borne...
Most U.S. states imposed limitations on interstate and international travel shortly after the coronavirus started spreading across the country in February. Now, more than six months later and after a...
The Thanksgiving holiday is the busiest time of year for airlines and airports. The closer the holiday gets, the more expensive tickets become. Then there are the crowds.
The Cold War, the nearly 50-year ideological struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union, produced subterfuge, espionage, and proxy wars, but thankfully it did not lead to World War III....
In most key aspects of the American Civil War – from money and manpower to guns and supplies – the Confederacy was outmatched by federal forces. Sharpshooter units were one notable...
Many Americans hunkered down during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, residential relocations within the United States hit the lowest rate on record, according to the Pew Research...
Unsurprisingly, Americans have experienced more frequent symptoms of anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though anxiety levels may increase and decrease depending on the rise...
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered an economic crisis of a magnitude not seen since the Great Depression. In the early months of the pandemic, as local businesses across the country closed, tens of...
According to a new research report, Amazon Air will end the year with 58 planes in its fleet, an increase of 38% since the beginning of 2020.
If only American companies were more profitable, many of the problems with the economy and access to social services would disappear. That is the claim of a new research document from Dalberg Global...
You know this sticker, I’m sure 90% of you have peeled it off before you bit into a tasty Chiquita banana. Of course those bananas can’t grow in the crappy climate of the United States, they come...