Nokia (NOK) has started its own music store to compete with Apple (AAPL) iTunes, so why not have its own online advertising operation? Early today NOK bought U.S.cellphone screen advertising firm...
Roku stands to benefit as consumers spend more on streaming services and advertisers look likely to follow suit.
RadioShack is actually ticking up on the admission by the company that it has to shed its very outdated image. But investors should ask what the ultimate cost will be in capital spending to live up...
"Saturday Night Live" will produce and air real ads for Apple and Verizon, beginning with the program airing April 8.
Google and Facebook accounted for 20% of all advertising dollars spent globally in 2016. The two giants are expected to continue their domination, taking more than three-quarters of every new dollar...
Wal-Mart said that most stores will open at 6:00 p.m. local time on Thanksgiving Day and that online shoppers will be able to shop the Black Friday deals from one minute after midnight Thursday,...
The upcoming Employment Situation Report for June could show the economy has stalled, at least in terms of the addition of new jobs.
The auto industry spends a small fortune on advertising during the Super Bowl. Some industry folks even think of the game as the second-largest auto show in the United States.
Source: Yahoo! Inc.Yahoo! Inc. (NASDAQ: YHOO) has reported its third quarter earnings, with the report being $0.15 in adjusted earnings per share versus the $0.17 EPS estimate from Thomson Reuters....
The product cycle for GameStop is continuing to look stronger as more major titles are being previewed and then released.
Humor—and a touch of jealousy—go a long way in a 30-second advertisement.
Research firm eMarketer has forecast that global advertising spending this year will exceed $628 billion. Spending on digital advertising will account for nearly 44% of all ad dollars spent in 2018.
As the decade winds down, the U.S. economy continues to mark unprecedented job growth. November was the 110th straight month of reported job growth — the longest in U.S. history. In the last...
Occidental Petroleum on Sunday raised the cash portion of its offer to acquire Anadarko to 78% of the total $38 cash and stock portion of the deal. Will this be enough to shut out Chevron?
2017 may stand out for many events and developments, and among them is the exceptional year turned in by the labor market. For one, U.S. unemployment dropped to 4.1% in October, the lowest since...