
celebrity Articles

To those who follow them, the death of a famous person can be almost as sad as a death in the family. Fans have invested years and sometimes decades following the triumphs and tribulations of a given...
Halloween has become a truly global phenomenon, and is marked by parties and parades around the world. One theory holds that many Halloween traditions derived from Celtic harvest festivals,...
Alcohol can make good times better and help endure bad times. But regular excessive drinking takes a serious toll, as evidenced by the thousands of alcohol-related deaths annually. Unlike illicit...
It’s shocking and oftentimes life-changing when a family member or close friend dies violently. For a celebrity, dying a violent death can be the awful price to pay for fame. To assemble a list of...
How tall is your favorite celebrity? It’s been a topic of conversation among fans of the famous since at least the beginning of the motion picture industry – and probably dating back to the...
Advances in medicine and the fact that at least part of the population takes better care of itself than it used to (less smoking, more visits to the gym, etc.) have had an unmistakable effect on our...
The NFT (non-fungible token) market crashed in 2022, with some experts estimating that investors would see at least $100 million in losses. NFTs – digital collectibles bought and sold online...