
Travel Articles

In much of the country, the winter months can be among the most dangerous for motorists. According to the Department of Transportation, nearly a quarter of all weather-related crashes in the U.S....
Whether they realize it or not, getting behind the wheel is the most dangerous thing many Americans do every day. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, there were over 39,500 fatal...
For better or worse, most Americans rely on passenger vehicles for daily travel. The latest government data shows that over 90% of the 136 million commuters in the U.S. either drive or carpool to get...
There is no place like Nebraska! This song, performed by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln marching band, is a testament to the “Cornhusker State.” From agriculture to pioneer history, museums,...
Hotels can be wonderful places, welcoming and comfortable. A good hotel staff can truly make guests feel “at home.” Some lodgings have been installed in architecturally stunning buildings, so...
Thanksgiving is coming, and we all know what that means: Family gatherings, complete with eccentric relatives; plenty of football on TV; far too much turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and all the...
Most American mountains are not very tall by global standards. The United States has only one mountain that is over 20,000 feet high, and even that peak does not make the list of the 100 highest...
Along with Christmastime, the four-day Thanksgiving weekend is always the busiest travel period of the year, with many people flying home or to some mutually agreed-upon family gathering place....
There are more than 35,000 museums in the U.S. Though many of them showcase art, there are many other kinds as well. Some celebrate humankind’s achievements, while others concentrate on certain...
As we enter the spring and summer after that, people are going to be looking to go places and do things. International travel is still problematic because we’re not done with the pandemic just yet,...
Imagine what went through the mind of the first person to gaze upon the Grand Canyon. Many natural wonders existed long before humankind ever laid eyes on them, and many are probably yet to be...